10-32 Tap Drill Size

How Can You Calculate The Tap Drill’s Size?

You will need to know the basics of the calculations and the size of the tap you are using in order to calculate the tap size.

1. Take measurements of the tap’s diameter or refer to the specifications.

2. Substitute the diameter value in a simple formula. H. DH = DMB 0.0130 (% all the required screws / Nickel).

The DMB is used as the diameter and Ni the other tap part.

3. Next, insert a value of 1032 threads and calculate for the DH.

4. The answer will fit well with the #21 size drill bit.

To calculate the drill size for any tap measurement, you can use the formula below. You should ensure that the number of threads used is between 75% to 85%.

What Is The Difference Between 25 Cm And 81cm Tappings?

It may be difficult to understand why different sizes are needed for 10 and 32 taps. You will be able to better understand the differences between them.

  • Each tap can have the same diameter but have a different screw pitch. The number of threads per inch (TPI) is what defines thread pitch.
  • Tap length is greatly affected by the thread pitch. Drills 25 cm in diameter differ from 81 cm taps because they have fewer threads per inch.
  • Our formula is based on the thread pitch. It is therefore clear that the dimensions of the drill will vary.
  • The hole dimensions will not be accurate if the drill size is not calculated.

The machine will not function properly if the holes aren’t sized correctly.

How To Drill With 10-32 Taps

Once all calculations have been completed, it’s time to drill with 10-32 taps.

  1. Make sure you take all measurements and select the right size drill bit.
  2. To prevent injury, sudden slippage or rotation, make sure you put material in the clamp.
  3. To mark the locations where the holes will be made, attach the masking tape to the material you are working on.
  4. Adjust the drill to 90 degrees. Make sure it is straight against the metal. A slight tilt could cause the hole to become crooked.

To prevent irreversible damage, we recommend drilling with scrap metal first. This helps to prevent unexpected accidents and increases your confidence before you begin drilling.


What is the clearance hole to use for a 10-32 screws?

A 10-32 screw has a clearance hole of 0.1900. This is small enough to allow the screw to make new threads, but large enough to allow the tap to fit. A wrong clearance hole size can cause damage to your entire project.


It is essential to know the 10-32 tap drill size in order to keep your project on track. You can waste time and resources by doing wrong calculations, or even not doing any calculations at ALL.

Follow the above formula and all dimensions to complete the project properly.