The 10 Essential Tools Everybody Needs - The Best Starter Tool Kit

You’ll be overwhelmed if you are new to the world of tools when you go to Lowes or Home Depot to pick up a basic starter set of tools.

Visually has some great ideas for starting a toolkit that suits your specialization.

Let’s take a look to the 10 essential tools everyone should have:

1. Hammer. Although the hammer is used to drive nails, it can also be turned round to remove old nails from walls or wood. A hammer is necessary for hanging decor or pictures. Don’t get a poor hammer. Click here to learn more about our top framing tool.

2. Vise Grips. These things may save your life one day, but you’ll be glad that you have them for when you need a better grip to tighten or loosen something.

4. Leatherman Multitool.In your starter tool set you want versatility. You want tools that can perform a variety of tasks. You might be able to make a shorter list by naming the things that a Leatherman multitool cannot do.

5. Set of interchangeable bits. A screwdriver set will help you save space in your toolbox. Simply swap the bit for the job.

6. Hacksaw. The hacksaw can be used to cut metal, plastic, and other household items. A really good one can be purchased at a reasonable price, so it’s worth having.

7. Level.Who doesn’t want crooked photos hanging at their house? Do not just look at it, get a level. A level can be used for any DIY project you are involved in.

8. Measuring tape.Another item you’ll use to measure your children’s height for things like projects and determining if they are tall enough to ride on roller coasters. This tape is easy to use and locks well.

9. Duct Tape and WD-40.Macgyver can overthrow a Communist government using these 2 items. Keep them handy and you’ll be thankful later.

10. Allen Keys. I love the way they say it because IKEA hates them. It’s true. You don’t have to rely on the furniture manufacturer to provide a set with a range of sizes.

This is a great list to help you get started in the amazing world of tools. Click here to see all our step-by-step tutorials if you’re looking for projects to use your new tools.